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Archivo de Educación

VWBPE 2012

5th Annual Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education Conference

Como siempre el Annual Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education Conference ha sido una experiencia enriquecedora. Tres días de ideas y conocimiento generosamente compartido.

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Algunos ejemplos van desde sugerencias de libros (, documentos en Google compartidos con mas de 49 educadores alrededor del mundo a la vez , páginas de Internet (Sim School) o magníficas presentaciones de las que comparto algunas fotos y plantillas.

Google Doc 49 personas VWBPE  2012



Comparto la Conferencia de Gentle Heron en SL, administradora de Virtual Ability

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Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education Conference 2012

Ready and set! >>>>> Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education Conference 2012 is a completely in-world conference on … virtual worlds,



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"Resistance is futile (Transcripción chat)


Iggy (ignatius.onomatopoeia) Faculty member at University of  Richmond.

["Resistance is futile: making a case for virtual worlds"

15:42] Senko91 Resident: where on of the ppl commenting mentions that in 50 years we won’t need texting anymore and that we can use brain vortexes to send thoughts to eachother XD
[15:42] MystiTool HUD 1.6.0: Entering chat range: Ju Roussel (6m), Pionia Destiny (7m), Losairam Pelliot (7m), tuanjana Resident (7m), Cato Digital (8m), Imma Milena (8m), Rudd Denver (8m), Tiboreva Resident (8m), wynshel Heir (9m), MelodiousC Resident (9m), Pim Peccable (9m), Merlin Moonshadow (10m), Metabasalt Timeless (10m), Thunder Insippo (10m), Bevan Whitfield (10m), Totiger Resident (11m)
[15:42] Carolrb Roux: 🙂
[15:42] MystiTool HUD 1.6.0: Entering chat range: Aisle Resident (10m)
[15:42] Jacqueline Despres: I’m surprised he was able to nuke his facebook account — do they really let us out once they have us?
[15:42] MystiTool HUD 1.6.0: Entering chat range: rosavioletta Resident (8m), Joe Arnica (9m), Tangre Lexenstar (11m)
[15:43] DyVerse  Jeffery-Steele (dyverse): at sxsw they had a session on immersive pc "glasses" and they had a hand held device used for input similar to a phone where you just press one of 9 keys etc
[15:43] LoriVonne Lustre: Iggy: One of my student’s nuked his FB account after reading Feed
[15:43] BigRedCoyote Resident: QWERTY is an example of educations resistangce to change Typeing teachers didn’t want to change
[15:43] MystiTool HUD 1.6.0: Entering chat range: JaneS Crystal (10m)
[15:43] Stylianos Mystakidis (stylianos.ling): Techno-resistance
[15:43] MystiTool HUD 1.6.0: Entering chat range: Bevan Whitfield (7m)
[15:43] MystiTool HUD 1.6.0: Entering chat range: DawnTornquist Resident (7m), BDSommerville Resident (7m)
[15:43] MystiTool HUD 1.6.0: Entering chat range: Teachergirl Razor (5m), Sheila Yoshikawa (5m), MelodiousC Resident (5m), Tripl321 Resident (6m), Merlin Moonshadow (6m)
[15:43] MystiTool HUD 1.6.0: Entering chat range: Madeleine Fitzgerald (3m), alogo Resident (4m)
[15:43] LoriVonne Lustre: Iggy: sometimes resistance is necessary

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Virtual Worlds 5th annual Best Practices in Education 2012


Virtual Worlds 5th annual Best Practices in Education 2012 is right around the corner, March 15-17th. The theme this year is to "Be Epic"! Attendance is free and more information can be found on the official web site here: or direct link here: VWBPEWebHere.

Vía Kara’s Korner

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Connected Knowledge, collective learning


Presentación de  Allison Littlejohn para The Massive Open Online Cource (MOOC) #change11.  Este curso ha sido tremenda experiencia.

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VWBPE 2011 Segunda parte

Virtual Worlds – Best Practices in Education

he Use of Second Life for Anatomy Education: An Introduction to Regional Anatomy for Undergraduates April Richardson









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Conectivismo: Reflexiones iniciales

La actividad fue todo un éxito. No solo no se iban del salón sino que pidieron una segunda parte. ¡Excelente Dr. Sánchez!

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¡George Siemens en Puerto Rico!

Invita: Programa Graduado en Sistemas de Instrucción y Tecnología Educativa

Universidad del Sagrado Corazón

15 oct 2010 ~ 8am – 12:30pm Sala de Facultad, USC
Entrada Gratis: Reserva con tiempo llamando a 787 728-1515 ext. 2333 ó 2314


Vía Agora y Skate The Webimage

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Conectivismo y Siemens

El Dr. José Sánchez Lugo y el Dr. Antonio Vantaggiato invitados al conversatorio Acercándonos al conectivismo de Siemens en la Universidad del Sagrado Corazón. Excelente actividad a la que asistí virtualmente.


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La nueva Web y la transformación de la educación superior

Hoy escuché la mejor actividad que he asistido en este año: **La nueva Web y la transformación de la educación superior** en la Universidad del Sagrado Corazón con Dolors Reig, Jim Groom y el Blogfesor Mario Núñez . Excelente. Felicito a el Proyecto STEMmed por una actividad de alta calidad. Tengo mucho que meditar más adelante, por el momento comparto la presentación de Dolors Reig : USC: Más allá de las redes sociales, un Universo de conocimiento.
