Alusión…Llamada Virtual

Alusiones de referencia…virtuales…

Archivo de Libro

20 lecciones aprendidas de Google

18-11-2010 23-57-20 things i learned about the web

Un nuevo libro  genial (en línea)  por el equipo de Google Chrome sobre los navegadores y la web.

20 Things I Learned About Browsers And the Web

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Bazar de Libros Usados

dona libros_edited-11



Reference Renaissance

Lo voy a solicitar en mi biblioteca…


An up-to-date source for discovering cutting-edge trends and finding out how exciting reference service innovations can become a reality at your library!

Respected authorities on today’s rapidly changing reference landscape Marie L. Radford and R. David Lankes have brought together a pioneering collection that delivers creative, proven guidance to LIS professionals in public, academic, and special libraries and information centers. In addition to featuring current research trends and philosophical approaches to reference, the editors present a wide-range of exciting new reports from the field. Reports include the practical information you need to replicate these groundbreaking programs in your library, and includes the institutional context, a detailed description of the initiative, best practices, an assessment of results, a bibliography of cited references, and websites on similar efforts.
You will learn about all modes of virtual reference, re-invented face-to-face services, novel mobile services, and how to apply text messaging, Facebook, and other social-networking tools to reference service. A few of the forward-looking reports include:
• Giving Users Options for Chat Reference
• You Bought It, Now Sell It: Creating a Reference Renaissance in the Public Library by Marketing Collections and Services
• Stayin’ Alive in the Google Age: Adding Custom Search Engines for Better Internet Research
Reference Renaissance provides an exciting array of outstanding reference endeavors that will help you to leverage staff resources and discover new ways to fully meet your users’ diverse needs

Edited by Marie L. Radford and R. David Lankes

ISBN: 9781555706807
Published: 2010

The complete Guide to GOOGLE WAVE


Vía iLibrarian pude “hojear” el libro  The complete Guide to GOOGLE WAVE.  Todavía me encuentro en etapa de experimentación y sobre todos los llamados “Wave Bots” me llaman mucho la atención por lo que lo he encontrado útil para entender los conceptos. El libro consta de ocho capítulos como siguen:
Chapter 1
Meet Google Wave

Chapter 2
Get Started with Wave

Chapter 3
Manage Your Wave Contacts

Chapter 4
Find and Organize Waves

Chapter 5
Dive Deeper into Wave

Chapter 6
Master Wave’s Interface

Chapter 7
Wave Gadgets

Chapter 8
Wave Bots

Fahrenheit 451

Semana del libro censurado / Banned Book Week


“Fahrenheit 451 es el título de una novela distópica publicada en 1953, cuyo autor es Ray Bradbury. El término "Fahrenheit 451" hace referencia a la temperatura a la que el papel de los libros se inflama y arde (equivale a 233º C).” (Wikipedia)

La historia fue llevada al cine en 1966 por François Truffaut. Ha habido varios intentos infructuosos de hacer una nueva versión sin que se haya materializado. Esta es una adaptación del “trailer” de la película y algunas citas de los protagonistas que nos permiten meditar sobre el poder del libro y la información.

Una buena lectura sobre la novela : THE LIFE OF THE MIND AND A LIFE OF MEANING: REFLECTIONS ON FAHRENHEIT 451 de Rodney A. Smolla*


Quote 1: "It [is] a pleasure to burn. It [is] special to see things eaten, to see things blackened and changed." Part 1, pg. 3

Quote 2: "’parlor walls’" Part 1, pg. 9

Quote 3: "relatives" Part 1, pg. 49

Quote 4: "’There must be something in books, things we can’t imagine, to make a woman stay in a burning house; there must be something there. You don’t stay for nothing.’" Part 1, pg. 51

Quote 5: "Nobody listens any more. . . . I just want someone to hear what I have to say. And maybe if I talk long enough, it’ll make sense." Part 2, pg. 82

Quote 6: "What traitors books can be! You think they’re backing you up, and they turn on you. Others can use them, too, and there you are, lost in the middle of the moor, in a great welter of nouns and verbs and adjectives." Part 2, pg. 107

Quote 7: "Its real beauty is that it destroys responsibility and consequences." Part 3, Og. 115

Quote 8: "The sun burnt every day. It burnt Time. The world rushed in a circle and turned on its axis and time was busy burning the years and the people anyway, without any help from him. So if he burnt things with the firemen and the sun burnt Time, that meant that everything burnt!" Part 3, pg. 141


Montag: "Do you remember what you asked me the other day; if I ever read the books I burn? Remember?"
Clarisse: "Um hmm."
Montag: "Last night I read one."

Captain: "Listen to me, Montag. Once to each fireman, at least once in his career, he just itches to know what these books are all about. He just aches to know. Isn’t that so?" 

Captain: "The books have nothing to say."

Censura de un libro en Perú

Semana del libro censurado / Banned Book Week

El blog portugués Viva Biblioteca Viva publica una declaración de Alonso Estrada Cuzcano el 26 de septiembre de 2009, donde denuncia la amenaza de censura para el libro De puño y letra de Abimael Guzmán (Presidente Gonzalo). El Presidente Gonzalo es el lider de líder del movimiento Sendero Luminoso y esto ha levantado una gran polémica en Perú e incluso generó una denuncia penal al editor a través del procurador público

No tengo todos los elementos ni el conocimiento para poder hacer un juicio sobre el hecho histórico pero como bien dice Alonso Estrada no se trata de “acerca de ideologías o posiciones políticas“ sino “principios que rigen la ética del profesional de la información.”.

Los invito a leer y meditar…


Designing the Digital Experience

Libros adquiridos que recomiendo


ISBN 978-0-910965-83-5



ISBN-13: 978-0-8389-0984-3




ISBN-13: 978-0-8389-0946-1

Library Mashups

Library Mashups image

[Vía Library Web Chic]

Informática social, comunidades en línea y bibliotecas

iLibrarian aka Ellyssa Kroski presentó su libro hace poco en la Biblioteca Pública de Brooklyn:  Social Software Online Communities and Libraries. Ellyssa elaboró un Wiki que acompaña la charla. He aquí la presentación: